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Decoding diversity

We've all heard it, we all know it, we’ve all seen it: Computer science is not regarded as a “beacon” of diversity. In this interview, Professor Kenny Paterson, Head of the Department of Computer Science details his experiences with diversity, the challenges we face, and how D-INFK might be getting a bit better one step at a time.

How data provided by fitness trackers and smartphones can help people with MS

Monitoring and treating a case of multiple sclerosis requires reliable and long-​term data on how the disease is progressing in the person in question. Fitness trackers and smartphones can supply this data, as a research team led by ETH Zurich has now shown.

Artificial augmented creativity: A new era of art

Adrian Christopher Notz

Artificial intelligence is transforming the way in which art is created and experienced. Are we at the beginning of a new artistic revolution? Or at the end of creativity as we know it? Adrian Christopher Notz from the ETH AI Center puts things in perspective.


D-INFK Alumnus Andreas Kuster amongst winners in Global Essay Competition

SIB Remarkable Outputs 2023

The ETH chatbot Ethel also corrects exercises


Eurographics Gold Medal for Markus Gross

First place for ETH students at Cyber 9/12 Strategy Challenge


Fortune: Language learning app duolingo is taking on music and math lessons

Tech Times: Cloud server vulnerability found in AMD and Intel chips

Tech Xplore: Smartphone app can unmask forged documents

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